Sunday, March 8, 2009


I have crossed my teenage so I wonder how i have transformed from the kid next door to a 3rd year Engineering student.Hmmmmmmm lets start from the beginning.....
  1. When i was very young i used to run in the agana of our home and watch the aeroplanes flying in the sky.Something in me wanted to fly in the skys.So i told this thing to my parents and they asked me," do u want to become a pilot?".I said yes.
  2. When i was 9-10 years old i thought of becoming a underwater diver and discover the Ocean world(and who can forget the Mermaids.... ).
  3. When i grew a little older i thought of joining NASA and going on a maiden space travel(i thought that was the closest thing to become a SuperMan.....float in air...u must have seen on Discovery Channel).
  4. When i was in tenth class,i wanted to become a Nuclear scientist(i dont know why but i had heard from someone that they are the most knowledgeable persons on this earth....).
  5. In +2 ,I thought a lot about spirituality and thought of running away from my house once i get a GURU(i can hear a giggling from ur side...).
  6. During Preparation Time,i thought of becoming a successful Business Person.
  7. In the 1st year of Engineering,i got call from SSB interview of AirForce(this was becoz i had given a NDA exam.....).So i went to MYsore (leaving my 1st that time internal was like semesters.....)in the hope to fly a Sukhoi/MIG(.....par hamare liye toh kuch aur hi likha gaya tha....).After 7 days of free stay in Mysore BAse,i was sent back....
  8. In the 2nd year,i thought of becoming a Software Engineer in some big organisation like GOOGLE,MICROSOFT......
Now i am in 3rd year and i am thinking of higher studies(but i am thoroughly confused over it.....).I don't know how days became months and months transformed into years.But one thing that remained and is still continuing is this constant desire::::Desire for fun,for fame ,for acheivement,for huge amount of money and what not(Do u think i have missed out something in the list??????).

1 comment:

  1. koi na yaar.....some day this rudderless boat willl find its way to Atlantis
