Friday, May 18, 2012

Chottu Chai Pine Jayega???

Released!! Yes I have been released from my project since 2-3 days. Now I have a huge amount of time to kill, time to think, time to sleep ,time to talk and time to reflect. When I was in project I was always secretly thinking of getting released from my "Support" project. I am happy that I got  released from that work which takes you no-where, teaches you some age old technology and  makes you a puppet in the hands of client. All my team mates used to joke that if someday water is not going to come in the taps of our client then they will go ahead and raise a ticket for that also. Thank God I am out of it. But this post is not about my cribbings, its about my Team mates with whom I have not taken tea for 2-3 days.

Yes I miss my team a lot. Its the best any one can have. Some of the veterans of I.T. industry have worked with me and I got a full hands-on experience of  how to build and mould a team from my seniors. While sipping tea in kiosks outside our office, these people are more than friends and in these informal sessions they have taught me a lot about the subtle nuances of life. A bond has formed between us from which I dont want to get released ever. We have had a lot of brain storming sessions on various topics during these tea and cigarrete sessions. All the members of this "Fracture gang"(read as my team mates) participate in this brain storming session everyday and try to get a conclusion on very ambigous, off-the-shelf topics. Topics range from everyday news to conceiving a child to Gods knows what....

This kind of bonding benefits everyone in the team. It acts like a support system when you need a break from your daily chores.It gives you a way to connect with people of different mind sets and having different perceptions.You can fall back on this support system at times of need and there is assurance that help will come from someone or the other. Our team is not based on the project we work on or the language we speak or religion/region we belong to or the technology in which individuals work or the sports we love to play. This thing helps you in more ways than you can imagine. It extends your network far beyond the reach of a single individual. It helps to bring out the frustration of individuals and this in turn helps that person in staying stress free which is considered to be indispensible in this corporate life style and is mother of various health ailments. The best part is you can share your joy and celebrate with all the members. Whether its an upcoming birthday or marraige ceremony or transformation from husband to father, we all know whom to inform first.

This blog will remain incomplete if I do not mention the stalwarts of my "Fracture gang".
1. Krishna Kumar Upadhyay
2. Saswata Banerjee
3. Bishan Samaddar
4. Chinmaya Purohit
5. Alekh Singh
6. Premanayagam V
7. Krishnendu Saha
8. Tridib Chakraborty
9. Biswanath Majee
10. Samrat Dutta
11. Santhana Rajgopalan
12. Soumya Deb
13. Neeraj Chowdhury
14. Manishankar Singh(Obviously I need to stay in this list even though I am not as good as these above mentioned guys.)

Hope we all will stay in touch with each other. I will end this with a quote from Shawshank Redemption movie....

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