Friday, February 20, 2009

The First Day when i took my first step

Well the very first day was quite a memorable one. I had stepped out of my home for the very first time and was staying in a mess full of strangers(who have become my very good friends) .
I remember the morning very clearly not because it was my first day but because the water pump had given up and we all had to go to college without having a bath.Then there was this constant fear of being ragged by seniors.So we were moving in groups (but with our uniform which had the worse color combination ever..................). We had not even walked a few meters from our mess that a senior stopped us in the middle of the road and started commenting on our belts,dress and everything else he could put his hands upon.
Then i had to attend a class full of Boys and 5 girls which was completely different from what i had expected by watching movies(sari sundar ladkiyonn ko  sec-A mein daal diya tha.........).Every face was completely new and some were looking more like an undertaker than a engineering student.Sabyasachi who is one of ma close friends now was sitting towards the last bench and his eyes were burning with some kind of fire that i still cannot explain.From his looks i thought he would smash everybody who will come in his path.
I decided to take a sit with my friends of +2 Rajesh(The mathematics genius from Ravenshaw college),Dibas(The Singer who has the capability to sing and bring a national award if he is given a chance).But frankly they had never been my very close friends in +2.One thing that life teaches u is constant learning. After one class i was standing outside my class room 124.A thin guy from our class( who thought that i wont be able to recognize him in informals) came towards me and picked me from my shirt color and started to rag me.I welcomed him with a nice oriya phrase(well i dont want to be explicit on that*****U can understand what a Engineering student is supposed to say**** ).Who would imagine that within a span of 1 year he would become one of my close friends.Yes he was Chandan(one of the best programmer you can find).Still i was not comfortable with my classes and my friends(especially Biswajit(ENTC) in the beginning).I thought he was a tout(because of his silly jokes) in the beginning,but gradually he became a very close friend of mine and i realized that sometimes the first impression of a person may not be the actual one.
Then i came from college to my mess where some of the mess mates had still not arrived from their homes.My roommates were Debashish and Siddhartha(whom we all know by the name Raja).Both of them were from Rajgangpur,OCL.They were the ones who showed me how to face this selfish world.I am very thankfull to GOD for giving me such friends from the beginning of my career.My first impression on Debashish was that he doesnt care for anyone except for his own but then I came to know his real self.He just maintains such an image to do his "KHELA..." but in heart he is the guy who will do anything to help his friends(until and unless there is no clash of ideas which can be ,literally speaking, deadly for the other person).
And How can we forget Raja...He was one of the handsome guy in our mess.He had always an aura of deep_complete_silence surrounding him with occasional(i should say always....) glaring glitches of stupidity(just kidding yaar) which will make u laugh till ur stomach aches in pain.In our mess we had other members also.They were Subhankar(well no comments from my side but my friends call him BHALU becoz of his hairs on the body),Bikash(The short tempered guy),Kiran(The silent but steady friend),Bishnu(The born talented guy in Chips and electronics),Banoj(One guy with straight talks ),Amit(The lover BOy),Sudhanshu(The most humble guy of our mess), and Sandeep(the guy who went to NDA after 1st year).We also had 2 seniors :-Sunny Bhaiya(The Turbanator) and Amit bhai(Mr Sonu Nigam....).
Well on the next day we all went to class as usual and we had a chemistry lab.Our Malabika madam had some paper work to do.So she asked us to remember each others name rather than working on our experiments.This was the first time i came to know about a lot of persons by their name.Gunjan for example who is one my close friends was introduced with me in this session.He seems to be a guy with few words.But very few know that for expressing his thoughts he uses his Brush rather than words(yes he is a painter).I am forgetting another 2 names here.They are Rochak(The Don of hostel) and Ashutosh(the guy who always comes late into the class).I had other close friends also like Sidhartha(Electrical),Paritosh(electrical) ,Amarjeet(Electrical),Deepak(Electrical),Biswajit_the most handsome guy (Electrical),Ajay(Mechanical),Arun(Computers),Sidhartha(ENTC),
Patitapaban(ENTC),Parthasarathi(ENTC),KaliPrasad(Mech) and many more.Well you must be wondering where are those girls...Well they were also present(u guys should have patience....)Nupur(she has a great ability of defending her stand on anything),Priti(Well she was the only decent girl of our section D......well i can see anger in the face of other girls of our section),Sucharita(My friend from Ravenshaw college),Suchitra(She was a bit reserved kind of girl),Parimita(Well i dont know about her much),Adyasha(A good girl from my home town).
We had a lots of fun during the first year including a picnic trip to Narayani and Chilika.We also had some serious issues when 5-6 of us (that includes me also)were taken by "Sarap sir" to his cabin for putting proxy in attendance.We were literally giving mock excuses to avert a black dot.But somehow we were only given a warning,some nice scoldings and a notice addressed to our parents(a good deal against a black dot....hahaha).After coming out of his chamber we had become famous in no time( as our names along with our registration numbers were being posted in the notice boards with warnings issued to us).
Oh you are wondering who am I........... I am Mani.We all read in a institute whose specialization is in imparting education and research in all feilds(If u r intelligent enough you will be able to get the name of our Institute).